pakistan shopping service telebrand

About TeleBrand: everything started in the year 1987, when the Lekhraj family, with a built up article of clothing send out assembling unit, had a thought - to utilize the overabundance texture to make quality cotton shirts. The shirts were put at a bargain and sold very quickly. This is when cotton dress was not in any case thought about trendy. This incited them to open their first store with only a couple of articles of clothing in plain view.Telebrand

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The reaction was gigantic. Also, TeleBrand was conceived. TeleBrand turned into the principal store in India devoted to normal dress. Set up in a verdant path in Colaba, Mumbai, the brand is frequented by supporters since its beginning. The brand has now developed and spread its branches all through the nation with more than twenty five stores in Hyderabad. Along these lines moving from assembling to retail, in this enchanted little voyage. Telebrand Pakistan

Our Philosophy: There is a contrast among life and living. Life is the thing that you are brought into the world with; living is the thing that you make out of it. When you live near yourself. When you share your spirit with nature. At the point when each cell of your body feels invigorated. At the point when each pore needs to absorb more life. When you live undiluted, unadulterated, unbridled. You realize that you have lived well... Since life is only a canvas. What's more, living is the craftsmanship. Life is unavoidable. Living is discretionary. TeleBrand is Pure Living.


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